5 Things That Keep You From Living Your Dreams…

5 Things that Keep You from Living Your Dreams

5 Things that Keep You from Living Your Dreams

— 7 steps to find clarity & direction —


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5 Things that Keep You from Living Your Dreams



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– Tony Robbins

About two years after following my dream of starting out in business, there was a time when I began thinking more and more often about giving up on this dream altogether. 

The incredibly exciting journey of running my own business soon turned out to be just as daunting… No two situations were the same… and every day I found myself stretched far beyond my comfort zone. 

And sure enough… it did not take long before I started questioning myself. 

Thoughts like ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I don’t have what it takes’, and ‘I will never get there’ were occupying my mind… And I kept wondering if being self-employed had been such a good idea in the first place. 

Wasn’t it better to go back to my ‘old’ life as if nothing had happened?

It would have been a lot easier to get a regular job and do what I had been doing for years. But I would have been a lot more unhappy too.

So what should I do? Give in to my fears and doubts … or carry on despite all challenges and difficulties?

Fast forwarding five years, I am happy that I followed my heart and not my head.

Today, I work as a Life and Business Coach… I went from offering individual coaching sessions and running personal development courses to launching an online business, which allows me to reach people worldwide and empower them to fulfil their dreams.

BUT… I would lie to you if I said that it was easy.  

I had to learn HOW to overcome my fears and doubts that kept me in place and hindered me to follow my dreams. 

I had to learn HOW to overcome my negative thoughts, self-imposed boundaries and limiting beliefs that kept me in place and hindered me to follow my dreams.

Wasn’t it better to give up and go back to my ‘old’ life?

In all honesty, it would have been a lot easier to find a ‘real’ job, get a regular pay check, and keep doing what I had been doing beforehand.  

But I also would have been a lot unhappier too.

If there is one thing I’ve learned during this time, it’s this… 

Our fears and doubts control our lives and , if undiscovered, silently sabotage our dreams and aspirations. They keep us from bringing in money, love, career, success and anything else we truly want. 


In this blogpost I share the five  most common fears with you, to help you identify what might be holding YOU back from living your dreams. 

And… what you can do to overcome this. 

Our thoughts and beliefs are incredibly powerful. They control our lives and (if undiscovered) silently sabotage our dreams and aspirations. Just one limiting belief can stop us from bringing in money, love, career, success and anything else we truly want. 

In this blogpost I share the five most common negative thoughts with you, to help you identify what might be holding you back from living your dreams. 

AND… what you can do to overcome this.


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Founder of The Clarity Process. Teacher & Mentor. Mindfulness Trainer. I’m here to help you to find clarity & direction and start following your dreams.

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– Tony Robbins

About two years after following my dream of starting out in business, there was a time when I began thinking more and more often about giving up on this dream altogether. 

The incredibly exciting journey of running my own business soon turned out to be just as daunting… No two situations were the same… and every day I found myself stretched far beyond my comfort zone. 

And sure enough… it did not take long before I started questioning myself. 

Thoughts like ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I don’t have what it takes’, and ‘I will never get there’ were occupying my mind… And I kept wondering if being self-employed had been such a good idea in the first place. 

Wasn’t it better to go back to my ‘old’ life and pretend as if nothing had happened?

It would have been a lot easier to get a regular job and do what I had been doing for years. But I would have been a lot more unhappy too.

So what should I do? Give in to my fears and doubts … or carry on despite all challenges and difficulties?

Fast forward five years, I am happy that I followed my heart and not my head.

Today, I work as a Life and Business Coach… I went from offering individual coaching sessions and running personal development courses to launching an online business, which allows me to reach people worldwide and empower them to fulfil their dreams.

BUT… I would lie to you if I said that it was easy.  

I had to learn HOW to overcome my negative thoughts, self-imposed boundaries and limiting beliefs that kept me in place and hindered me to follow my dreams.

If there is one thing I’ve learned during this time, it’s this… 

It’s our fears and doubts that control our lives and , if undiscovered, silently sabotage our dreams and aspirations. They keep us from bringing in money, love, career, success and anything else we truly want. 


In this blogpost I share the five  most common fears with you, to help you identify what might be holding YOU back from living your dreams. 

And… what you can do to overcome this.

1  —  The fear of the unknown

Everything new, every change, is a chance as well as a risk. Most people avoid the risk, out of fear of the unknown. They would rather stay with the old and familiar, even if they are not so happy there.

When we stand opposite a changed or new situation, it is totally normal to feel stressed at times and unsure. If the fear of change gets too big, however, it can paralyse us and lead us to finally never chasing any of our dreams and desires.

At some point we will have to decide… either we stay trapped in a life which doesn’t fulfil us anymore, or we begin taking the necessary steps towards living a life we truly want. 

For that, we need to know: “Everything you want is on the other side of fear” (Jack Canfield). 

Tip:  If you are currently in this state of indecision, then ask yourself, what is the worst thing that can happen to you if you do actually decide to follow your dreams? Write it down. 

You might find that our fears and doubts often times make things look worse than they actually are.

– Teal Swan

Tip:  As a second step, ask yourself, what would happen if you found yourself in the same same situation 10 years from now? What would your life look like? Write it down. 

– Nora Roberts

2  —  The fear of making mistakes.

Probably the biggest fear of humankind is the fear of making mistakes. With every decision we make we try to avoid mistakes, to go the ‘right’ way, to do the ‘correct’ things.

If you ask truly successful people however, they will all give you the same answer: 

It doesn’t matter in which area you wish to better yourself – whether it be in your relationships, in your work, in your chosen sport – you need to try many things, fall over often, and pick yourself up again and again.

Many people think it’s a disgrace to make mistakes. They torture themselves lifelong by trying to always be perfect.

When in fact, it’s the MISTAKES that move you forward. Only from these do you learn and are you able to do it better next time.

So, if you want to improve your life, there is no way to avoid making and allowing mistakes.

Tip:  Let go of the need to avoid mistakes. Instead begin to see them as what they truly are… An opportunity to learn. You cannot progress without making mistakes. It’s our mistakes through which we grow and expand.  

– Anthony Robbins

3  —  The fear of rejection

‘What do you want to do? You must be crazy!’

These, or similar reactions, are often what we get when we tell others of our plans to change our lives.

And sadly, it is often the people in our closest surroundings, like our friends and family, who cannot or just don’t want to understand our dreams and wishes.

We may have just been full of enthusiasm and now we are feeling totally insecure.

Just now, where we need the emotional support of our loved ones so urgently, we are met with lack of understanding and rejection…. that hurts!

Tip:  You don’t have to travel this path alone. Be open and seek people who have also travelled their path towards their dreams… people who believe in you and will support you on your journey.

– unknown

4    The fear of failure

This fear is tightly bound to the fear of making mistakes. Often, the fear of misadventure holds us back from even starting our journey.

We often find more reasons against doing what we want than reasons for…  to ask the likeable colleague for a date? No, she probably already has a partner. To sign up for the next marathon? Better not, it would be too embarrassing to not reach the end. To finally start a new business? Too much could go wrong, I’d better just stay in my current job.

So then the question remains, can we be happy living this sort of a life forever?

Fact is… If we want to fulfil our dreams, then we have to be prepared to take a risk… and if you don’t dare to take that first step, then you will never achieve that which you wish for.

Tip:  If you are worried that the risk to achieve your dream is too big, then imagine how big the risk would be to stay trapped forever in your old life which is making you unhappy.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”

5  —  The fear of being hurt (again)

The past lies behind us and we cannot change it anymore. We all know that. And yet, we so often hold onto the past in order to avoid getting hurt again.

Be it the ex-partner who separated from us, illnesses from childhood, or our own mistaken decisions and failures. Mostly it is our painful experiences which hinder us from moving forwards with our lives, very simply due to the fear that these same or similar things could be repeated.

With the refusal to let go of the past, we carry the pain into the present moments. And as long as we hold tight to it, we cannot open ourselves up to the new, and lose our vision for the future.

This was me... when I left my old life behind to start living the life of my dreams.

Tip:  Decide today to let go of the past. Set your goals and focus on the positives that lie ahead of you. You cannot change your past but you CAN change your future… starting with one decisive step in the direction of your dreams. 

Lots of love. 


P.S.  Have you been able to identify yourself with one or more of the above beliefs? If the answer is yes, then follow the tips I shared with you. Let me know how you went by leaving a message in the comment box below.

P.P.S.  If you find it hard to let go of your fears and doubts and you continuously procrastinate and sabotage your dreams, then book your FREE 30 Minute Breakthrough Session with me. I am here to help. 😉  

1  —  The fear of the unknown

Everything new, every change, is a chance as well as a risk. Most people avoid the risk, out of fear of the unknown. They would rather stay with the old and familiar, even if they are not so happy there.

When we stand opposite a changed or new situation, it is totally normal to feel a bit stressed and unsure. If the fear of change gets too big, however, it can paralyse us and lead to us finally never chasing any of our dreams and desires.

At some point we will have to decide… either we stay trapped in a life which doesn’t fulfil us anymore, or we take the necessary steps towards living a life we truly want. 

For that, we need to know:

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear” – Jack Canfield. 

Tip:  If you are currently in this state of indecision, then ask yourself, what is the worst thing that can happen to you if you actually did decide to follow your dreams? Write it down.

You’ll see, often times our fears and doubts make things look worse than they actually are.

– Teal Swan

Tip:  As a second step, ask yourself, what would happen if you found yourself in the same same situation 10 years from now? What would your life look like? Write it down. 

– Nora Roberts

2  —  The fear of making mistakes.

Probably the biggest fear of humankind is the fear of making mistakes. With every decision we make we try to avoid mistakes, to go the ‘right’ way, to do the ‘correct’ things.

If you ask truly successful people however, they will all give you the same answer: 

It doesn’t matter in which area you wish to better yourself – whether it be in your relationships, in your work, in your chosen sport – you need to try many things, fall over often, and pick yourself up again and again.

Many people things it’s a disgrace to make mistakes. They torture themselves lifelong by trying to always be perfect.

When in fact, it’s the MISTAKES that move you forwards. Only from these do you learn and are you able to do it better next time.

So, if you want to improve your life, there is no way to avoid making and allowing mistakes.

Tip: Let go of the need to avoid mistakes. Instead begin to see them as what they truly are… An opportunity to learn. You cannot progress without making mistakes. It’s our mistakes through which we grow and expand.  

– Anthony Robbins

3  —  The fear of rejection

What do you want to do? You must be crazy!

These, or similar reactions, are often what we get when we tell others of our plans to change our lives.

And sadly, it is often the people in our closest surroundings, like our friends and family, who cannot or just don’t want to understand our dreams and wishes.

We may have just been full of enthusiasm and now we are feeling totally insecure.

Just now, where we need the emotional support of our loved ones so urgently, we are met with lack of understanding and rejection…. that hurts!

Tip:  You don’t have to travel this path alone. Be open and seek people who have also travelled their path towards their dreams… people who believe in you and will support you on your journey.

– unknown

4    The fear of failure

This fear is tightly bound to the fear of making mistakes. Often, the fear of misadventure holds us back from even starting our journey.

We often find more reasons against doing what we want than reasons for…  to ask the likeable colleague for a date? No, she probably already has a partner. To sign up for the next marathon? Better not, it would be too embarrassing to not reach the end. To finally start a new business? Too much could go wrong, I’d better just stay in my current job.

So then the question remains, can we be happy living this sort of a life forever?

Fact is… If we want to fulfil our dreams, then we have to be prepared to take a risk… and if you don’t dare to take that first step, then you will never achieve that which you wish for.

Tip:  If you are worried that the risk to achieve your dream is too big, then imagine how big the risk would be to stay trapped forever in your old life which is making you unhappy.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”

5  —  The fear of being hurt (again)

The past lies behind us and we cannot change it anymore. We all know that. And yet, we so often hold onto the past in order to avoid getting hurt again.

Be it the ex-partner who separated from us, illnesses from childhood, or our own mistaken decisions and failures. Mostly it is our painful experiences which hinder us from moving forwards with our lives, very simply due to the fear that these same or similar things could be repeated.

With the refusal to let go of the past, we carry the pain into the present moments. And as long as we hold tight to it, we cannot open ourselves up to the new, and lose our vision for the future.

This was me... when I left my old life behind to start living the life of my dreams.

Tip:  Decide today to let go of the past. Set your goals and focus on the positives that lie ahead of you. You cannot change your past but you CAN change your future… starting with one decisive step in the direction of your dreams. 

Lots of love. 


P.S.  Have you been able to identify yourself with one or more of the above beliefs? If the answer is yes, then follow the tips I shared with you. Let me know how you went by leaving a message in the comment box below.

P.P.S.  If you find it hard to let go of your fears and doubts and you continuously procrastinate and sabotage your dreams, then book your FREE 30 Minute Breakthrough Session with me. I am here to help. 😉  


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Founder of The Clarity Process. Teacher & Mentor. Mindfulness Trainer. I’m here to help you to find clarity & direction and start following your dreams.


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