HOW to Create a Powerful Vision for My Life…

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HOW to Create a Powerful Vision for My Life…

HOW to Create a Powerful Vision for My Life…

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HOW to Create a Powerful Vision for My Life



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Feeling Stuck in a Life that is
No Longer YOU...?

Feeling Stuck in a Life that is No Longer YOU...?

Don’t worry… You are not alone!

Truth to be told… Many years ago I have been exactly where you are right now. I found myself trapped in a life that was no longer me — A life that didn’t allow me to reach my full potential, express myself the way I was and do the things I really love.

But I kept holding on to this deeply unfulfilling life, because I didn’t believe that change was possible for me… And it wasn’t until I could no longer ignore this ache inside that I found the courage to start out on my journey to transform my life.

So far, this journey has been nothing but life-changing…

Since then, I have lived in two of the most beautiful countries in the world, worked internationally in the job of my dreams, lived near the ocean where I get to see the sunrise every single morning and started my own business, doing what I love — helping women to follow their dreams. 

From experience I know that YOU can do this too! 

It all starts with CLARITY… and a strong personal vision for your life — A vision so powerful that it will always point you in the right direction, guide you through difficult times, and inspire you to move forward.

So tell me… What is it YOU really want to do with your life?


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Founder of The Clarity Process. Teacher & Mentor. Mindfulness Trainer. I’m here to help you to find clarity & direction and start following your dreams.


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Answering this question is not always easy. However, it’s the starting point of any transformational journey and can be one of the most challenging and yet exciting undertakings you’ve ever been going through.

Maybe… it’s having regular weekends away with your family and friends and spend more time with the people that really matter to you; maybe it’s pursuing a career you love or starting your own business; or you want to finally take more time for the things you’re deeply passionate about; or maybe you’d love to do a social project to give back to your community and have a greater impact in your life. 

If you haven’t figured it out yet, then… Welcome! You’ve come to the right place at the right time.

Here you will…

But first of all…

What is a Vision and Why Do You Need it?

When I speak of a vision I’m referring to your personal version of your ideal life… Your dreams and aspirations about the life you want to create, the experiences you want to have, the person you want to become and the difference you want to make in this life — A powerful vision that inspires and excites you to create the very life you want to have lived before leaving this world.

So here’s why you need a vision and THIS process…

The Visualisation Process — How Does it Work?

The latest research in neuroscience shows that Creative Visualisation is one of the most powerful tools available to us to transform any area of our lives. This tool has not only the potential to change our conscious and, more importantly, subconscious mind; it empowers us to attract everything we need in order to achieve our imagined goals.

So how does it work? 

Numerous studies about the brain provide us with evidence that we create our experiences through our thoughts and imagination. Our brain can’t distinguish between the imagined and the actual reality. The moment we envision a particular outcome and experience it with all our emotions until it feels real, our brain becomes responsive and conditioned to this outcome which, consequently, determines our actions.

Our imagination is a creative force. Once you have realised this, you can use this knowledge for yourself … and begin to shape your life the way you want it to be.

Here's HOW to Create Your Most Empowering Vision

You’ve just learned why having a clear vision is essential to creating a life you really want. Now it’s time to start your personal journey by applying what you’ve learned so far.  

Your FIRST STEP is to familiarise yourself with the Top 7 Visualisation Rules. NOT following just one of these rules can sabotage the complete process and the likelihood of  losing your momentum is high.

But most importantly… Enjoy the process! 🙂

A Journaling Exercise that Can Change Your Life

In the following I’ll share with you one of the most powerful journaling practices I know. It’s my preferred ‘go-to exercise’ that’s enabled me to realise almost all of my dreams so far… And I hope that soon you’ll experience the power of this practice too… 

Creating Your Future Life...

1.  Get Ready 

Before you start, you’ll need to organise a pen, some paper or a notebook OR a printed version of my downloadable The Clarity Process 3-Part Course’

2.  Take Your Time

Find a quiet place and make sure you won’t be disrupted during your journaling practice. Take your time and don’t rush things… After all, you are creating your future life. 

3.  Compose Yourself

Before starting this exercise, find a seated position in which you feel comfortable. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let go of all thoughts that are on your mind, until you feel calm and collected.

4.  Get Inspired

Get inspiration from pictures and photographs, magazines and journals, quotes, poems and stories, or any other sources that will help you get ideas for your future life.

You can also use the 21 Powerful Insight Questions that you can download for FREE as an extra bonus in my ultimate ‘Clarity Breakthrough’ Worksheet’.

5.  Reconnect with Your Dreams

Now it’s time to reconnect with your dreams and desires. Explore the world you dream of and discover the life you truly want. Imagine how your life would look like if there were no boundaries and no limitations… Don’t overthink things. Write from your heart, not your head. It’s time to dream BIG!

6.  Start Writing

Let your mind wander 5-10 years into the future… Create an inner experience of your future by ‘living through a perfect day’ in your life. Pretend as if you were experiencing your future right NOW. 

Get all your ideas to paper… Write in detail, starting from the moment you wake up in the morning… to the time you go back to bed at night. 

You can find a more detailed version of this and many more empowering exercises in my downloadable The Clarity Process 3-Part Course’

7.  Align Yourself

Describe your feelings. How exactly does your future life feel like? Be as specific as possible. The more detailed and vivid your life vision becomes, the more real it feels. This way you are aligning your subconscious mind with your vision.

(TIP! This is the most important step in the process. You need to emotionally connect with your dreams and desires, otherwise your vision will have little effect… and all your attempts at changing your life will fall short.)

8.  ‘Own’ Your Vision

Come back to your vision on a regular basis. RE-LIVE this special day until it becomes PART of YOU… Only then will the internal process be set in motion… and the vision fulfils its purpose.

Note: Remember, this journaling exercise is just the beginning… You can grow your vision over time by changing or adding whatever you like and whenever you want to. It’s a work in progress… as you grow and expand, so does your vision.

This is my personal wish for you… I hope your life vision will equally empower you to go for your dreams as it empowered me years back… so that you can live a life you really love. 

Enjoy the process!  😉


P.S. Leave a comment below and share your personal vision with me. I’m keen to hear what you dream of.  😉

P.P.S. If you want to learn more about the entire process and experience for yourself, how to turn your dreams, wishes and hopes into reality, then…

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Feeling Stuck in a Life that is No Longer YOU?

Don’t worry… You are not alone!

Truth to be told… Many years ago I have been exactly where you are right now. I found myself trapped in a life that was no longer me — A life that didn’t allow me to reach my full potential, express myself the way I was and do the things I really love.

But I kept holding on to this deeply unfulfilling life, because I didn’t believe that change was possible for me… And it wasn’t until I could no longer ignore this ache inside that I found the courage to start out on my journey to transform my life.

So far, this journey has been nothing but life-changing…

Since then, I have lived in two of the most beautiful countries in the world, worked internationally in the job of my dreams, lived near the ocean where I get to see the sunrise every single morning and started my own business, doing what I love — helping women to follow their dreams. 

From experience I know that YOU can do this too! 

It all starts with CLARITY… and a strong personal vision for your life — A vision so powerful that it will always point you in the right direction, guide you through difficult times, and inspire you to move forward.

So tell me… What is it YOU really want to do with your life?

Answering this question is not always easy. However, it’s the starting point of any transformational journey and can be one of the most challenging and yet exciting undertakings you’ve ever been going through.

Maybe… it’s having regular weekends away with your family and friends and spend more time with the people that really matter to you; maybe it’s pursuing a career you love or starting your own business; or you want to finally take more time for the things you are deeply passionate about; or maybe you’d love to do a social project to give back to your community and have a greater impact in your life. 

If you haven’t figured it out yet, then… Welcome! You’ve come to the right place at the right time.

Here you will…

But first of all…

What is a Vision and Why Do You Need it?

When I speak of a vision I’m referring to your personal version of your ideal life… Your dreams and aspirations about the life you want to create, the experiences you want to have, the person you want to become and the difference you want to make in this life — A powerful vision that inspires and excites you to create the very life you want to have lived before leaving this world.

So here’s why you need a vision and… THIS process!

The Visualisation Process
How Does it work?

The latest research in neuroscience shows that Creative Visualisation is one of the most powerful tools available to us to transform any area of our lives. This tool has not only the potential to change our conscious and, more importantly, subconscious mind; it empowers us to attract everything we need in order to achieve our imagined goals.

So how does it work? 

Numerous studies about the brain provide us with evidence that we create our experiences through our thoughts and imagination. Our brain can’t distinguish between the imagined and the actual reality. The moment we envision a particular outcome and experience it with all our emotions until it feels real, our brain becomes responsive and conditioned to this outcome which, consequently, determines our actions.

Our imagination is a creative force. Once you have realised this, you can use this knowledge positively for yourself … and begin to shape your life the way you want it to be.

Here's HOW to Create Your Most Empowering Vision

You’ve just learned why having a clear vision is essential to creating a life you really want. Now it’s time to start your personal journey by applying what you’ve learned so far.  

Your FIRST STEP is to familiarise yourself with the Top 7 Visualisation Rules. Not following just ONE of these rules can sabotage the complete process and the likelihood of  losing your momentum is high.

But most importantly… Enjoy the process! 🙂

A Journaling Exercise that Can Change Your Life

In the following I’ll share with you one of the most powerful journaling practices I know. It’s my preferred ‘go-to exercise’ that’s enabled me to realise almost all of my dreams so far… And I hope that soon you’ll experience the power of this practice too… 

Creating Your Future Life...

1.  Get Ready 

Before you start, you’ll need to organise a pen, some paper or a notebook OR a printed version of my downloadable The Clarity Process 3-Part Course’

2.  Take Your Time

Find a quiet place and make sure you won’t be disrupted during your journaling practice. Take your time and don’t rush things… After all, you are creating your future life. 

3.  Compose Yourself

Before starting this exercise, find a seated position in which you feel comfortable. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let go of all thoughts that are on your mind, until you feel calm and collected.

4.  Get Inspired

Get inspiration from pictures and photographs, magazines and journals, quotes, poems and stories, or any other sources that will help you get ideas for your future life.

You can also use the 21 Powerful Insight Questions that you can download for FREE as an extra bonus in my ultimate ‘Clarity Breakthrough’ Worksheet’.

5.  Reconnect with Your Dreams

Now it’s time to reconnect with your dreams and desires. Explore the world you dream of and discover the life you truly want. Imagine how your life would look like if there were no boundaries and no limitations… Don’t overthink things. Write from your heart, not your head. It’s time to dream BIG!

6.  Start Writing

Let your mind wander 5-10 years into the future… Create an inner experience of your future by ‘living through a perfect day’ in your life. Pretend as if you were experiencing your future right NOW. 

Get all your ideas to paper… Write in detail, starting from the moment you wake up in the morning… to the time you go back to bed at night. 

You can find a more detailed version of this and many more empowering exercises in my downloadable The Clarity Process 3-Part Course’

7.  Align Yourself

Describe your feelings. How exactly does your future life feel like? Be as specific as possible. The more detailed and vivid your life vision becomes, the more real it feels. This way you are aligning your subconscious mind with your vision.

(TIP! This is the most important step in the process. You need to emotionally connect with your dreams and desires, otherwise your vision will have little effect… and all your attempts at changing your life will fall short.)

8.  ‘Own’ Your Vision

Come back to your vision on a regular basis. RE-LIVE this special day until it becomes PART of YOU… Only then will the internal process be set in motion… and the vision fulfils its purpose.

Note: Remember, this journaling exercise is just the beginning… You can grow your vision over time by changing or adding whatever you like and whenever you want to. It’s a work in progress… as you grow and expand, so does your vision.

This is my personal wish for you… I hope your life vision will equally empower you to go for your dreams as it empowered me years back… so that you can live a life you really love. 

Enjoy the process!  😉


P.S. Leave a comment below and share your personal vision with me. I’m keen to hear what you dream of.  😉

P.P.S. If you want to learn about the entire process and experience for yourself, how to turn your dreams, wishes and hopes into reality, then…


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Founder of The Clarity Process. Teacher & Mentor. Mindfulness Trainer. I’m here to help you to find clarity & direction and start following your dreams.


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Reconnect with your Dreams & Desires

Everything in life begins with a single dream… A dream that touches your soul… an idea that sparks inspiration and lets you come alive, and a desire that sets everything in motion… and drives you to reach higher grounds

They represent our deep inner yearnings, the things and experiences that make us feel alive.

A dream so powerful that it drives you forward, no matter what.

  • Reconnect with yourself and the things that truly matter to you… so that you can create your own powerful vision and start living a life you love
  • Get an incredibly effective Self-Empowerment Tool to help you overcome what’s keeping you stuck in life right now. This tool alone has the capacity to change your life. (It most certainly changed mine.)
  • Be introduced to the Process of Creative Visualisation and experience first hand WHY this method is so incredibly empowering. 
  • Learn the EXACT Sequence to bring your personal vision alive and… be empowered to move forward in any area of your life
  • The TOP 7 Rules you have to follow if you want to make this process work (Hint: Not following just one of these KEY rules can sabotage your personal progress.)

In the following I will be introducing you to the fundamental principles of visualisation and soon you’ll understand why this process is so empowering. 

Based on powerful principles that have been used for thousands of years, you’ll be guided through a unique process that can help you to form a powerful state of mind and create the momentum you need in order to turn your dream into reality.

Here you’ll learn… 

  • A PROVEN method to create a personal vision for your life… A vision that empowers you to move in the direction of your dreams and desires.
  • 5 Reasons why establishing a clear vision is essential for ANY transformational journey
  • How a powerful vision can change your entire life (it most certainly did for me)
  • How to effectively use the process of visualisation to create momentum on your personal journey
  • The 7 Key Rules you have to follow if you want to make this process work. 

– Tony Robbins

If you don’t take the time to write down your dreams and aspired goals, why would you put any more effort into achieving them?

You’ve just learned why having a clear vision is essential to creating the life that you want. However, finding your version of an inspiring life is not always easy – What ARE the things that you truly desire?

No matter what the answer is to this question, there is no right or wrong. What matters is what YOU really want from life.

Deine Vision ist die Summe all deiner Träume…

Sie ist dein Wegweiser, der dich immer wieder in die richtige Richtung bringt, falls du einmal vom Weg abkommen solltest. Dreams give us direction in life …

– If we know the direction, only then we will be able to set course and reach our destination –

Having a powerful vision for yourself is the DRIVING FORCE that not only inspires you to stay committed and focused on your goals; it also empowers you to overcome obstacles during challenging times. 

Je klarer du dir darüber bist, wie deine Version eines erfüllten Lebens aussieht, umso deutlicher wird auch der Weg dort hin… 

The more clearly focused you are on exactly what you want, the easier and faster you will manifest everything you need to make it a reality.

– What we focus on, we attract –

Alles, was du dann noch tun musst ist, diesen Weg zu gehen. 

– Eleanor Roosevelt

Aber wie fange ich das Träumen überhaupt an? Wie kann ich meine Version eines glücklichen und erfolgreichen Lebens für mich herausfinden?

Aber wie fange ich das Träumen überhaupt an? Wie kann ich meine Version eines glücklichen und erfolgreichen Lebens für mich herausfinden?

Ganz einfach, ich stelle dir hier meine 7-Schritte Formel, wie du im Leben zu mehr Klarheit gelangst bereit. Du musst sie HIER einfach nur noch herunterladen und los geht’s.

Über die Jahre habe ich meine Träume, Wünsche und Hoffnungen immer wieder schriftlich festgehalten. Wenn ich nach einiger Zeit wieder zu meinen Aufzeichnungen zurückkehre, bekomme ich oft eine Gänsehaut, weil fast alle meine Träume inzwischen Wirklichkeit geworden sind. 

Probier es aus, es funktioniert! 😉

Have you ever wondered how your life would look like if you found a way to start all over again?

Have you ever dreamed of re-shaping your life? Doing the things that really matter to you… or (finally) realising a long-standing dream…?  

Maybe you have been thinking about changing your job, taking on a new position or even start a new career….? Maybe you want to go travelling again, explore other countries and learn about new cultures? 

What ever it is you seek out to do, this article will help you to 

Here’s what you need to do… 

What would you do if you could start over in your life?

Would you maybe look for another job or aim for a completely new career?

Or would you give up your job entirely, finally build your own home and concentrate fully on your family?

Would you maybe go abroad, learn a new language and immerse yourself in a whole new culture?

If I had not dared to follow my dreams, I would still be living in my home country, working at the place where I started my career, going out with the same friends, and doing what everyone else did at that time. 

Instead, I have lived in two of the most beautiful countries in the world, worked internationally in the job of my dreams, lived near the ocean where I get to see the sunrise every single morning and started my own business, doing what I love… 

And it all began with a single dream…


Awaken Your Dreams...


To answer this question, you need to find out what your version of a meaningful and fulfilled life looks like… 

3 — Don’t wait to get started – Start before you are ready.

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